The Return / by Nick Burrows

The return, he marched ashore. Clothes soaked in the smells of another land. Eyes still alive with memories of food and friends. Life in the last few months has felt just like alive should and now he has returned to how alive was years ago. The streets, their patterns memorized in childhood. Now those patterns are speckled with a building or two he does not remember. His friends, the people and acquaintances he once knew he still does… to an extent. His wings are tired and he wont be able to fly again for awhile it’s now a priority for him to find the people who will keep him safe on the ground. The character in this story could very well be you some day, maybe you have never left but you have certainly felt the effects of familiarity. In stories like these there are two types of characters, those who fear the familiarity and those who never notice its impact. Those who never notice the impact of familiarity can live in and around it forever, a gracious treat filled with comfort and satisfaction. The characters who fear familiarity are first and foremost silly creatures who for no other reason than they enjoy the fear continue to do so. It’s a dangerous loop, these characters might never be satisfied with the setting of their own story. The ambition they show in searching for a new setting is often better allocated giving care to the setting they find themselves in at the time. Constantly looking can turn a life into one long day with no reprieve. Sometimes a nice place is easily found there’s no need to look for now.