Relaxing in a Moving World / by Nick Burrows

Summer sun makes it easy for everyone to enjoy long nights and late mornings. The summers always have less care attached to them. Everything seems lighter, unless you get one of those 35 degree days where every bit of the 35 degrees is filled with humidity. Those days feel nice and slow. Those are the days you need to find some water. Lord help you if one of these days ends up being a Tuesday! There’s people out there who would prefer dark cool days every day of the week every month of the year. I’m sure everyone can enjoy a nice dark rainy day. Maybe for a day or two, after that we need to see the sun again. Whatever it takes to get a ray or two on the ol’skin. I talked about rolling a dice earlier and life rolled me a dice resulting in terrible skin. Burn first and ask questions later, my body decided that’s a good motto. Despite this unfortunate development I always feel happier if it’s a beautiful sunny day. Relaxation is important. But if that relaxation has no purpose you can often finish relaxing and be more restless than if you had never relaxed at all. What do you do to relax? Chances are you do what most of us do and let it happen. Half admitting to yourself that it’s time to not worry about anything and really let the stress go. Personally i’m always a little guilty. Until recently I never took my relaxation seriously. What an odd statement, it’s the only way to get the most out of these rare minutes of relaxation. Make a plan, what are the things I need to do so tomorrow I can be happy with the time I spent? For me two of these things are good food and a movie. On a day off if I do not eat some good food or watch a good movie I need just one more day with nothing to do. I could have 10 days off filled with all kinds of adventures. If I don’t get my mitts on  good food or a movie during that time, on day 11, I find myself thinking “man I could really use a vacation”.


It’s not that you’re taking two steps forward and one step back. Life is always moving forward, if you are moving with it you’re going to stay in the same spot. If you work really really hard, you will get ahead. Working really really hard is not sustainable until you get used to it. So when you first start working to get ahead. You are undoubtably going to get tired and worn down. You’ll need to take a break, when you take this break life has not stopped, not for you, not for anyone. This break will be your slide backward, as life continues to move under you. It’s not the person who tries the hardest the fastest, it’s the person who can keep coming back and trying hard, the person who comes back the quickest to work the hardest will certainly go the furthest.