Lightly Traveled Nooks / by Nick Burrows

White hallways but you wear a suit of colour. The suit’s fabric is woven from the thoughts of it’s creator. Outside this building lies a garden. You know it, but not well. You passed through it on the way in. Exploring the corridors you find space. Space for more creation and that’s what you see in the silence is potential waiting for its chance to escape. This silence is brought on by your visiting time tic toc. It’s a Monday evening, you’re inside this place most often frequented by the weekend traveler or inquisitor. You’re a weekday inquisitor looking for an adventure away from the pull of the crowd. The pull of a crowd can transform into a person of its own. The crowd speaks and whispers to you, what should you see where should you go what to buy. If you let it, the crowd will choose it all, right down to the last morsel you have for dinner. But visiting this lonely place with white hallways you find yourself challenged by the mere effort of enjoyment. There are many types of explorers, those who want to be protected by the choices made around them and those who are willing to step away. Put one foot into that quiet alley, duck underneath a dim lantern in the twilight of an overcast afternoon and peer into the eyes of others who have strayed from the influence of the masses. It’s important to see what kind of choices you make when on your own, occasionally those decisions won’t be good. However, if you never know how you will act in those situations you may find yourself away from the crowd one day, against your best efforts and unprepared. So prepare to be unprepared, a little lost and a little uncomfortable. Especially in a big city, the places within those dim spaces may have traces of the things you need the most from this particular adventure.