Neon Swamp. Who are You? / by Nick Burrows

Give me another shirt made of the atmosphere. I’ve worn this one down, I don't want to be exposed to the world anymore. I would make my own, but i’m out of energy. I’ll have to look for my reserve. Find it somewhere. It might be hiding under a rock, at the end of a long muddy trail. Running to music, to the bass of the bullfrog symphony through the neon swamp. Neon is a dream come true it’s what we wish our brain looked like, but it’s dark in there. The only light is in your imagination. So you invent the neon swamp. One of many locations you can find that energy. Chemical energy has a smell a flavour, biological energy has a sound. Where can you find that biological recharge? There’s a veritable array, a buffet for anyone and everyone. Thing is, the flavours that make that biological engine hum may not be the flavours that are attractive to the members of the neon swamp living up top. The ol’ command centre. For myself it’s become known as the neon swamp but the name may change tomorrow next week next month. It all depends on your mood. What are you after, are you going to create or consume today. It’s a combination every day. Those choices are affected by who we think we are. Don’t believe everything you tell yourself. At the same time you have to ask “who are you”. What the heck are you doing. “Hello I’m ________ and I ________. Being totally honest and completing that sentence can be difficult. Practicing that sentence, saying it over and over. Maybe like me your sentence reflects a dream. A dream you’re uncertain if you can really achieve. Which is why we must practice, over and over until those words are believable.