I want my Thoughts Back / by Nick Burrows

Paid to do what? Day by day, shoes landing on the same concrete squares. Same cold handrail, angry breeze and dry hands. Sweaty only when thinking about the future. Coping with extra time. It’s the plague of 2019. Everyone has got all the time they could ever want. We all give it away. One second at a time. Just like anyone else you pay with your seconds. You purchase time you can waste later. Staring at a Netflix logo or living life through someone else on Youtube. We so rarely take those seconds and spend them on what we need to be happy. Maybe you don’t have borderline insane dreams or aspirations. Maybe you enjoy that hour every night getting your retinas harassed by a hurricane of blue light. Consider ancient Rome or Athens, the thoughts created by philosophers Plato or Socrates we’re taught to learn about in school. Those men treated time like a treasure. Time was used to think and consider the nature of having any time to think. It’s scary when you really can picture all the things they were talking about; death, life and meaning. So what are you paid to do. Are you being paid to use what makes you human. Or are you being paid to be quiet slowly forgetting about what you could give to the world. Your light is being extinguished. You’ve been taken from the outdoors playing in the beautiful sun, and placed in Plato’s cave. Staring at shadows chained to a wall, your life growing less interesting day by day. I couldn’t care less if your life is interesting. You might, if you feel that way. Stop thinking for 8,9,10,13,15,19 hours a day about someone else profit, consider your own life consider if it may be worth dedicating those hours to your own journey through space and not giving those thoughts to someone else who cares not for you.