Care / by Nick Burrows

The world was bland without it. Care, the first and final piece of each puzzle you haven’t started yet. Through flat fields and winding squares the care was not there. Found it was inside a shapely nook beyond what was simply known as the place nothing was but everything could be hidden. A rather large place filled with tiny creatures impossible to catch but friendly once held. Care is not something you can ever find it is something you become. There are many complex things sneaking around from shadow to shadow, care is not one of those things. Care, approaches with a simple yes or no request. Answer yes and you have provided care. Answer no and you have provided your mind a gift in the form of a murky memory, the memory will include disappointment and regret. Care is not to be taken lightly. It’s heavy, immediately before answering yes you are left with a choice if you want to carry the burden of care forever. It becomes you. Will you become care?